Here is another long forgotten, and often overlooked, band from California. It is the Nipdrivers, and the record is 'Oh Blessed Freakshow'. Not a lot of people know about, or care about this band, but this record has always been one of my favorites, so I figure it would be good to share some more good music.
The Nip Drivers were from Torrance California. The music has that classic early 80's CA punk hardcore sound, but there are parts that are strange and dip in and out of various other styles, kind of like how the Feederz, or even The Vandals, did. In fact, they cover 'Have You Ever Been Mellow', which the Feederz also covered. There are some straight forward songs here and then some slower ones and they are all very powerful. The vocals are unique and makes the music stand apart from some of the more generic bands of the time.
If anyone has the 'Destroy Whitey' record from the Nip Drivers, please post it or tell me where I can get it. I have never heard that one and I would love to.
I hope you enjoy the music!
Here is the cover of the record...

Here is a live picture...

The music is here...
link is dead, can you please repost?
link is dead, can you please repost?
One of the most overlooked band from the early 80's. This is a great album!
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