Here is another request fill! It is the ABombANation demo from 1988.
ABombANation formed in 1987 and played a lot of shows and then released this demo in 1988. The music is classic late 80's sounding New York Hardcore, but there is also an overwhelming sense a melody to a lot of the songs. I think the melodic overtones set them a part from a lot of other bands of the time. It wouldn't be off to say they had something in common with a band like Token Entry. The vocals are very clear and the clarity of the vocals really adds to the power of the music.
Three songs from this demo were also on the 'New Breed' comp. Later on there was an LP planned but that never materialized. If anyone has those tracks, please share them with me! There are also WNYU and WFMU sets out there and I would like to hear those, so if you have them, let me know!
Enjoy the music!
Here is a live picture of the band...

There music is here...
NEW LINK!!! http://www.sendspace.com/file/1oxmnd
awesome! thank you for this request fill!I havn't heard this in years!-Steve
the vocalist of abombanation was Ernie's(token entry) brother.
i did not know that about him being ernie's brother, thanks for the information!
[I just stumbbled onto this site]
yeah, Ernie(Tolken Entry) played drums for us but only on this demo and at like 1 or 2 shows at most. Steve T(also from In Your Face) played with the band after this demo until the end and actually sang during 1 show after Ray(the vocalist) left/kick-out(unfortunitly).
I was the bassist.
There's also a good live thing we did on FMU radio on their site.
Man this is awesome. I was like 12 when vadim and jay used to come by depot road with bass and guitar cases...with the hoods spray painted on it. We had a bank ramp at the top of te hill and jay would launch off of it and just keep pushing off into the sunset. Haven't heard these guys in years...
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