Here is another request fill!
It is the Pig Children 'Blood For The State' 12" from 1984. I didn't know too much about this band beforehand, but a quick search found this, written by a band member...
".. A bunch of friends who grew up in the same neighborhood in Buena Park. Just hanging out partying, and throwing shit at the establishment. Roger the long haired, cholo looking, punk as fuck, punk rocker was the glue binding this group together... Hanging out with Black Flag's Keith Morris' cousin, Willie Hilser before his untimely death. Rob the Slob and Denniss Gage, hung around the old Fullerton and L.A. punks. Rob the Slob could always be found in Hollywood with fellow Mercenaries Lino Lousy, John Macias, Mike Muir, Skinhead Ricky, and the Mexican Mohicans, or Arnel and the LADS. Hanging out at FEAR practices, and haunting the Starwood, and every other fucking venue now resigned to punk rock history... Rob used to battle with Bobby Brat, to see who would take the girl home for the night. Denniss "secretly stoned" Gage, along with the Fullerton punks... shit I wonder who tried to play bass for the Adolescents in the beginning... Ask Tony Reflex... Denniss is still in possession of Darby Crash's ponytail. Mike the Slag, the loud mouthed drunken, slob, etc... and Clyde Kabibie, the silent brains behind the subversive machine... the fucker could have written the anarchist cookbook... Both hooked up and started jamming apolitical tunes with La Mirada Punk Johnnie Cat Moreno... formed Patriots Dead after a short stint filling in for the original "Assassins" when Trent Adams tried to resurrect that band... Eventually, Patriots Dead evolved into Pig Children, and the rest is history. Seldom respected, always rejected..."
This record is pretty cool, fast hardcore, but with hooks and memorable tunes. Enjoy!
Here is the front cover of the 12"...

Here are two cool pictures of the band playing live...


The music is here...
NEW LINK!!! http://www.sendspace.com/file/nchpcy
This is pretty neat - I once met one of the Pig Children during a riot at the LA Street Scene! Ahh, memories...
no linkie....please linkie!
these fuckers could throw down and have awesome party. i am proud to know these cats. clyde, rob, johnny and mike. miss the good ol days.
The million dollar question is...
Where is Bobby Swa.... Is he still alive? Sluggo is.... where is everyone? who's dead and who's alive..... Tamara Died, to all those out there who cares or cared... RIP, Sister... EM Bryan @ socalbryanlocke@yahoo.com
Bob swa died in 04/09/08 I'm his son Robert the Third to all of you that care and miss him thank you from the bottom of our hearts to the rest of you f*** off he probably being your girlfriend R.I.P "BOBBY SWA" P×C×T TC Brian
R.I.P. Big Brother, Bob SWA 1963-2008.
Banged your girl😉
Oh man,cypress buena park and stanton days in the 80s.yeah i left you out anaheim.
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