Here is the Nausea set from when they played on WNYU in 1988.
Most people know Nausea from the 'New York Hardcore: The Way It Is' comp. Nausea stuck out from the 'popular' NYHC of the time because they sounded way different. They had this great Discharge meets NYHC vibe. I think they get overlooked alot because that sound is not what a lot of people were into at the time. But this stuff is great and just as powerful as anything else from that time.
Another thing that made Nausea different from other bands was that they had two singers. The two singers on this are Neil and Amy. And a neat trivia fact is that Jimmy (singer in Maximum Penalty) was the drummer in Nausea for over a year! Talk about contrast in musical styles! Haha.
I think this is the best stuff Nausea did and I hope you enjoy the music!
Here is a picture of Neil...

Here is a picture of Amy...

The music is here...
great stuff, thanks for the Wasted Youth, man I missed that. Got any Shattered Faith, or anything from the "Who Cares?" comp? Thanx
I just discovered yr blog today and I'm blown away. Nausea on WNYU (Crucial Chaos I assume), Our Gang obscurities and a picture of Chuck from True Colors (a high school classmate). Sickening. Now that I have found HC and Metal music blogs I'll probably never look at porn again (probably).
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