Here is a live set from MDC! The show is in Los Angeles in the early 80's. That is about all the information that I have about it though. If you know anything, let me know. The sound quality here is great. You can hear all the instruments and the vocals and some crowd interaction between songs. At the beginning you can hear Dave, ranting on and on about some stage manager who kept bothering him. It's pretty funny. MDC was way more 'serious', than a lot of other bands of the time, especially with the in between song talking. It's probably the exact opposite of that Vandals radio set that I posted a while back. Either way, MDC was still great and I think this set is great.
MDC were from Texas but moved to California later on. The music was great, fast hardcore. They didn't really have a lot of the pop or upbeat elements that a lot of bands did at that time, but the songs were still great and always memorable. 'I Remember' is one of my all time favorite songs. It is included in this live set. Enjoy!
Sorry I didn't add a lot of pictures for this. I wanted to get this posted real quick before I leave for the day. I have more MDC, so I will post a lot of pictures with the next post of MDC stuff.
The music is here...
Very cool stuff, thansk alot!
Great site as well!
I just added your site to my reader.
dude how'd i miss this! awesome man! i had seen them in 87' at the sundance on long island.it was a good show.dave came out dressed as a fat elvis.it was hysterical.nothng compared to an L.A. M.D.C. gig back in the early 80's.can't wait to check it out,thanks!-Steve
The link doesn't work anymore, any chance that you could re-upload it ?
still down, possible to re-upload?
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