Here is one quick request fill before I post a lot of west coast stuff! In Your Face was a great hardcore band from New York. They were around from 1987 to 1990. The band had members of Token Entry. In fact, I think the music here has a lot in common with Token Entry and even Gorilla Biscuits. This is a big file, but it has a lot of great music in it. First, there is the In Your Face demo from 1988. Then, I put the WNYU set, which is mostly demo songs. Also, I included two comp songs, one from the Seeing With New Eyes comp, which I planned on posting here at some point, but the In Your Face song fits with this post, so here it is. Finally, I included The Grub 7". It has a little bit different sound than the rest of their songs, adding a lot more melody than the previous stuff. It is my favorite stuff from then, but I'm sure people's opinions will differ. There is an unreleased LP from after the 7", but I didn't include it because I don't think it's too great or anything and all of the stuff here is better, in my opinion.
Enjoy the music!
Here is a cool promo shot of the band...

Here are two pictures from various shows...


The music is here...
NEW LINK!!! http://www.sendspace.com/file/k5uzle
dude absolutely insane! brings back great memories! thanks so much for the quick request fill! my e mail is in the o.t. entry,if you need anything old from ny and i have it i'll post it.thanks again!-Steve
when you get a chance can you re-up the "grub" 7"? it said invalid syntax error.thanks!-Steve
I love Token Entry so this is a must! Thanks alot!
any chance you can re-upload this??? i missed out thanks so much!
1st pic is of token entry not iyf....in 87 the band had no token entry members in it..the music was in jest but was a serious band....in 89 when eric roi founder and sole song writer depaarted the songs became serious but the band became the joke....lol.....eric went on to do bile and is currently in lockdown nyhc...although eric left the band continued to play and release erics music without his consent
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