Friday, February 29, 2008
S.O.D.- 1985 rehearsal
Here is an S.O.D. rehearsal from 1985. This is from before the 'Speak English Or Die' LP came out. There are sixteen songs on this and the sound quality is surprisingly good for a rehearsal tape.
Everyone knows this band and so I won't blab on for paragraphs about them. They were one of the best crossover bands ever.
Here is a cool promo picture...
The music is here...
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Battalion Of Saints- 1982 Demos
Here is one, possibly two, Battalion Of Saints demos from 1982.
Battalion Of Saints was a great punk band from San Diego in the early 80's. They had a great early 80's punk hardcore sound, a little faster than most. But the speed didn't take away from the music. All the songs are filled with hooks and memorable choruses. They frequently played in LA and with other bands from LA.
I say that there are possibly two demos in this download because some of the songs have way different sound quality, cleaner, than the others. Some songs are repeated twice too. I asked some people who would know and they cannot recall more than one demo, but who knows, this is 26 years old. The great thing about it is that it still holds up really well.
All the classic songs are here than went on to be on great records, beefmasters, cops are out, i wanna make you scream and more.
I will be adding the Fighting Boys 12" and the Second Coming LP soon, so look out for those!
Here is a cool picture of the band hanging out with some random guy...
The music is here...
Bustin' Out- Demo 1987
Here is the Bustin' Out demo. This band was around in the late 80's in New York City. The music has a good NYHC sound typical of the late 80's. The vocals are a little different, more in the spoken real loudly way, rather than the yelling of screaming way. The vocals reminded me a lot of Suicidal Tendencies, even though the band sounds nothing like then.
I have seen their logo on flyers for some great shows but that's all. I think they have a song or two on a 7" comp. Besides that, I have no other information on this band. If you know something, please post it in the comments and I will add it to this post.
Here are the lyrics for the demo. The cover of the demo is at the top of this post...
The music is here...
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Turning Point- Live- 2/17/90
Here is a live set from the great New Jersey straight edge band. I got this set from a good bootleg trading friend. The note attached to it says that the show was in Pennsylvania on 2/17/90.
This set is from before the LP came out. You can hear him asking for pictures and for people to have fun so they get more good pictures for their upcoming LP that came out on New Age Records. The set is a good mix of demo, 7" and LP songs.
I don't have a lot to say about this band that most people won't already know. I always liked the demo and 7" way more than the LP, but the LP isn't bad by any means. There is a cool discography that you can buy from Jade Tree Records. The demo and 7" are where it's at, for me at least. The songs sound so angry and urgent. You can't go wrong with those two releases.
Classic music. Enjoy!
Here is a cool add for the Turning Point demo...
Here are are two cool live shots...
The music is here...
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Circle One- Patterns Of Force
Here is the great Circle One 'Patterns Of Force' LP from 1983. This is another one of my favorite records. A lot of people had problems with this band, whether it be because of the lyrics, the violence that surrounded the band or their fans, but either way, I think this record is fantastic.
Circle One started in 1980. They played their first show in 1981 and their first show was also the first Suicidal Tendencies show. The band had a large following, a lot of them were a part of "The Family" the group of people led by singer John Macias. He was a giant, built man, who had a lot of people looking up to him. A lot of people who knew him said he had his problems but he was a good friend and a good person. They said he had a menacing aura about him and that he wasn't afraid to stand up for himself. A few times he even knocked out policemen who were hassling random punk kids. He also started P.U.N.X., which promoted and put on punk shows in LA/OC but had their own security, in an attempt to keep it safer.
I like this record a lot and I hope you enjoy it! If people like this, I will upload some demos and live stuff too!
Here are two live pics of John Macias...
The music is here...
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Channel 3- Live On KPFK Radio, Los Angeles, 2/11/82
Here is a great radio set from the amazing Channel 3. This set is from the same radio station that hosted the Vandals set that I posted a while back.
Channel 3 was from south Los Angeles and they formed in 1980. Channel 3 took that classic LA punk sound and added a lot of melody and memorable hooks and came up with some fantastic songs. They had some super fast songs, typical of the time period, but personally, I think they were best when the songs added the melodic edge. That stuff is untouchable. This radio set covers all the hits from that time period with lots of great crowd interaction.
Besides this set, there are numerous 7"'s and LPs, all of which are good. Be sure to get 'I've Got A Gun' and 'After The Lights Go Out'. They are both classic records and will not disappoint.
Here is a picture of the band with Glenn Danzig, from 1983...
Here is a cool live shot...
Here is a flyer from a two day fest that Channel 3 played. John Macias from Circle One helped put this show on. Check out the amazing line up, so many great and important bands...
Here is a flyer from the Youth Movement '83 show that Channel 3 was a part of...
The music is here...
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
No Crisis- She's Into The Scene
This is one of my all time favorite punk records!
This was originally released as a six song mini LP. They also had a song on Rodney On The Roq Volume III.
This band was around in the early 80's and they sound exactly what you think a band from LA/OC in the early 80s would sound like. Fast, catchy and super memorable songs. 'She's Into The Scene' is the big song here, its backed by the catchiest piano rhythm ever! Pianos and punk? Who cares! It works so good here. This song won't leave your head ever. I'm not trying to downplay the other songs either, as they are all hits and just as good! There is a song on here, "Over Your Head', which later on would become an Aggression song called 'Money Machine' when a band member from No Crisis ended up in Aggression.
This was produced by someone from The Dickies and the production is great.
I also added their song from the 'You Can't Argue With Sucksess' Compilation LP. It is an earlier version of 'Change Your Name'.
Like I said, one of my personal favorite records of all time and I hope you enjoy it.
The front cover for the record is at the top of the post. Here is the back cover...
The music is here...
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Wasted Youth- Demo For Reagan's In LP
Here is another one from the vaults! Wasted Youth were a great hardcore punk band from Los Angeles in the late 70's and early 80's. Their Reagan's In LP is a great example of early 80s hardcore. The actual Reagan's In LP has been reissued numerous times and so I won't post that. But I will post this cool demo of that LP.
This has music that is very similar to what appeared on the LP but the vocals are different. The vocals sound a bit different than the LP, he phrases some things differently and you can hear the engineer talking between songs.
Great band. Check it out!
Here is a promo shot of the band...
and here is a live shot...
The music is here...
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Vandals- two songs from the 'When Men Were Men And Sheep Were Scared' Compilation...
Here are two more great songs from the Vandals. These songs were both of their contribution to the 'When Men Were Men And Sheep Were Scared' LP from 1985. Both of these songs have Stevo on vocals, or obviously I wouldn't be posting them.
I did not post the entire comp because I'm told it is about to be reissued and I try to post only rare or out of print things on here. Either way, the Vandals songs are great. One of them is 'Frogstomp'. When they played this song, they would throw out dead frogs into the crowd and people would throw then back or smash them all over the ground. I have a video of this happening. One day I will post that too. I hope you enjoy these two songs.
Here are two more live shots...
The music is here...
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Vandals- Live On KPFK Radio, Los Angeles
Here is one from the vaults! This is a set from when the Vandals played on KPFK Radio in Los Angeles in the early 80's. The sound quality is superb and there is a lot of great in between song talking and other fun from Stevo. That is another reason that this set is great, because is features Stevo on vocals. What a truly great frontman, always energetic sounding and very funny and entertaining between songs.
When they played this set, the radio station let them bring a lot of their friends with them, which was a bad (good) idea. Here is something I found that a guy wrote, talking about a conversation he had with Stevo, "Oh something I remember him telling me about this show was that the radio station lady was pretty wigged out about all the commotion they made (lots of smoke bombs, profanity and other tomfoolery - as was often the case at any Vandals show) and finally just pulled the plug on them at the end. Listen to how stressed out her voice is in the last track (just before they were about to go into “Frog Stomp”), when she gives the station ID or whatever." You can hear her a couple times in the background in between songs yelling at people.
This is a great set from a classic band. There are eleven songs. I hope you enjoy it!
Here is a live shot on the Vandals playing live in the early 80s...
The music is here...
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Count Me Out- Live On WPBR- Radio Set
Count Me Out was a great hardcore band from Virginia. They were around in the late 90's until about 2002. Their sound was classic straight edge hardcore and they were often compared to Chain Of Strength, especially the vocals.
Besides this radio set, there is a demo, a wonderful 7" and two LPs. They are all worth checking out, although I didn't get too into the second LP.
I saw them many times and their shows were great. Definately not a band that just stood there and played. They were always jumping and having fun. One time I saw them in Washington DC and the singer had on these super bright red shoes and then the next week a friend of mine wanted to get shoes like that, although I didn't know why since I thought they looked like clown shoes.
Before this band was called Count Me Out, they were called What The Fuck? True story.
Here is a cool live shot...
Here is the music...
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Various Artists- Eastern Front Compilation
Here is the Eastern Front compilation.
There are some fantastic bands on here. You get songs from Channel 3, Wasted Youth, Battalion Of Saints, Shattered Faith, JFA, Circle One and a few more. There aren't any bad songs on here either, so it's a guaranteed winner.
This is all live songs and the sound quality is superb for all the bands. I don't know if these songs are all exclusive to this comp, but I figure the studio versions most likely appeared elsewhere.
This is a great comp with a lot of fantastic bands on it.
Sidenote: if anyone can upload the Circle One 'Patterns Of Force' LP and the 'Survive' LP (which has both demos and the full live set that the song on this is taken from) and any comp songs, that would be great!
Here is the music...
Friday, February 8, 2008
Gorilla Biscuits- A Puzzle Of 38 Pieces Bootleg
Here is a Gorilla Biscuits bootleg. There are thirty eight songs. Most of them are live, but there are a few that sound like they were recorded in the studio.
I don't know when any of this is from, so if anyone reading this knows, write to me.
The good thing here is that the live stuff has great sound quality. There are also A LOT of cover songs mixed in with the live sets, so that is good, depending on your musical tastes.
There isn't a lot to write about this band that most people reading this already won't know, so enjoy the music!
Here is a cool Gorilla Biscuits promo picture...
And a live shot, that ended up on the back of the LP...
The music is here...
Thursday, February 7, 2008
H-Street- Demo 1998
Here is the H-Street demo. This band was from Austria and around in the late 90's. Besides this demo, there is a 7" comp that came with a fanzine that has three of these demo songs on it. There is also a 7" that came out in 1999. The 7" is also good, so get that if you can find it.
Musically, H-Street took the late 80's straight edge sound and added some melody. They had some octave guitar parts, which added to the songs, since they were not overused. The singer of this band was pretty good, I thought the vocals fit the music quite well and sounded sincere. Great band.
Here are three pictures from various shows...
The music is here...
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
China White- Dangerzone ep
Here is the great Dangerzone 12" ep from Huntington Beach hardcore punk band China White.
They took their name from the drug that had killed Darby Crash and their music was punk with a very small amount of metallic riffing. There are six songs on this and they are all hits. Song four has a great galloping riff during the main part of the song that is very memorable, as is the title track.
This band, along with TSOL and The Crowd, were the center of the attention in Orange County. Those bands put on violent shows but backed it with classic music.
Here is the cover of the Dangerzone 12". Famous photographer Edward Colver was on his way home from a show and he walked past a murder scene, the body covered in a sheet, police cars, the whole deal, he took a quick picture and went on his way. That picture is the cover for this record.
Here is a picture of the band
Another picture of the band
Here is a flyer from one of their shows
The music is here...
Monday, February 4, 2008
Social Distortion- 1980 Demo
What a great band! Social Distortion has been around for almost thirty years now and they still release quality records. Not many bands can claim that., most burn out after one or two records. I can listen to any Social Distortion record and still enjoy it, whether it be the first LP or the most recent one.
Here is a four song demo that I have. Three of these songs, All The Answers, Moral Threat and Playpen, are classics and appear on other releases. The fourth song, Smash The Glass, is a different version of the song Telling Them, that is on the first LP. The recording on this is pretty raw, since it is a demo, but the signature sound is still there.
Here is a group picture of the band.
and here are two live shots of them playing shows in the early 80's
The music is here...
Friday, February 1, 2008
Rest In Pieces- My Rage LP
Here is the classic Rest In Pieces 'My Rage' LP. This is fantastic NYHC, one of the best hardcore records ever, imo.
It has two guys from Straight Ahead in it, and while it doesn't rip off Straight Ahead, you can definately hear an influence.
There are eleven songs and all of them are 'hits'. The lyrics definately take a 'tongue in cheeck' approach to the lyrics, but they don't really go into the realm of silly at all. They are fun but have meaning behind them.
The music is not completely unlike Straight Ahead, but like I said, it really isn't a rip off. There are some monster mosh parts in here and the final song is all over the map, blazing away, until it ends in a giant clash of instruments, including a non cheesy solo that fits the music perfectly.
Check it out!
Besides this, there is a 7" that is nowhere near as good as this LP. There is a 2nd LP, called Under My Skin, which take a slightly metal turn, and despite a couple good songs, it is a pretty bad record. There are a couple demos as well. One of them is called 'The Nose Demo' and it is mostly songs that are on this LP and it is very good. The sound quality is like the LP but a little more raw. I will post that eventually as well.
Here is a picture of the front cover of the LP and the vinyl...
And here is a picture of the back of the LP and the other side of the vinyl...
And the music is here...
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