Here is the Inside Out NY demo and 'Above All' 7".
Inside Out NY was from New York (duh!) in the late 80's. The demo is ten songs, two of which 'Beat Life' and 'Cracking Up', went on to be on the 7". The 7" is only three songs. The first song is a regular song and an intro combined, but still, I think the band could have done better than a three song 7". Especially since the demo is pretty strong 'harder' New York hardcore. Comparisons can easily be made to bands like Uppercut or Outburst.
Two interesting side notes: Inside Out NY had two singers. They both had similar voices though, so it's not immediately obvious. Also, Alex from Side By Side was in this band for some time.
That is about all the info I have on this band. Enjoy the music!
The music is here...
NEW LINK!!! (i get nothing but problems from mediafire)
hi there,
cannot open the file
hey, i downloaded it to make sure it works and it downloaded and opened just fine! maybe try again?
if anyone else is having problems with this file, let me know.
downloaded fine to me.
is this band who featured that "rage against the machine" dude? they were from california, right?
RATM sucks hard, btw
No this is not the Cali Inside Out (who had an EP on Rev and)!
Such an incredible band that has been lost and overlooked in the history of NYHC. Shameful.
I remember the first time I saw them in the late eighties. It was at the Anthrax; I forget who it was with, but think it could have been with Killing Time as they were playing there frequently at that point and the two bands were pals. They came on stage with the two singers each wearing matching, personalized jackets. They were pretty original as this was long before 'rap-core' had become a slick marketing ploy. I bought the 7 inch at that show and if I am not mistaken it was colored vinyl - however I know longer posses any physical evidence of my involvment in Hardcore. PS: I heard a rumour that the grafitti artist Sub played bass for Inside Out at one point...
Thanks a lot for the post !
I have 2 tickets for the Inside Out reunion show on 8/14 in NYC. If you want them - they are yours. I thought it was the Revelation Records band but they're not.
Just drop me a line -
hi i have the seven it was incredible a pure moment of nyhc
can this be reuploaded?
can this be reuploaded?
Hello, the link was deleted...
can this be reuploaded please?
I hope you can.
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